There are currently no retraining grants available. For updates on retraining grant opportunities and how to apply, sign up to our mailing list.

Please note, we are not able to respond to individual retraining grant queries.

More information on retraining grants

Who can apply:

  • Professional dancers who have recently stopped, or will soon be stopping, their performing careers.
  • We regretfully cannot help students or amateurs.

What you can apply for:

• Accredited courses, normally in this UK, unless there is no comparable course here (evidence required). Can be for any career path, so long as there is evidence to support this decision.
• Maintenance costs to cover rent/mortgage, travel costs, childcare outside of government provision.
• Grants will be provided for courses within a one-year timeframe. If the course is longer than a year, you can reapply if you have received confirmation of continuing on the course. Please bear in mind priority will be given to first-time applicants so funding is not guaranteed.
• We do not support the cost of further dance training or retraining into another art form, such as the fees for an acting course.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for further information about who and how our fund can help.


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