Sarah Pearce

Sarah started her working career in banking in the city of London. After 20 years she moved to New York for a 3 year secondment. On returning to the UK she wanted to put her financial experience to better use and started working in the third sector. Her first experience was as treasurer in a local Home Start scheme. From there she moved into employment in charity finance.
She is currently employed as financial director for the Journalists Charity. This is also a beneficial society so she knows first hand how important grant giving charities are to those who have nowhere else to go. During her time with the Journalists Charity she has also been involved in the management of their care home and sheltered housing complex seeing the highs and lows of social care.
“Having worked in a charity as an employee I am interested to see the other side as a trustee. Dance has long been an interest of mine and I am keen to explore how I can add to the DPF.”